Welcome to the EMC

Reaching Forward

The Evangelical Methodist Church is a denomination of local churches that embrace the present while working to prepare for the future. Building on a sound biblical base, with the help of God, we strive to be ready to respond to the challenges of passage into the 21st Century.

To keep the heart of God’s message clear and the church’s mission strong and vital, we continually center on four ”value” areas -people, community, faith, and outreach.

We invite you to join us in sharing these values in your neighborhood.

People Centered
“Carry each other’s burden, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2 NIV) The goal of the Evangelical Methodist Church is to help people. The message of love proclaimed by Jesus Christ translates into practical terms, such as acceptance, appreciation, assistance, inspiration, instruction, and more. Each Evangelical Methodist congregation is committed to being accountable to the people it serves.

We invite you to participate in EMC activities in your neighborhood. You will find opportunities to express your care for others and to receive caring from others.

Community Focused
Families grow up together in communities. The Evangelical Methodist Church works to make the community a better place to live by developing programs that meet people’s needs where they are.

Each community is made up of individuals of all ages. We are working to give our children the values they need. We provide activities for the teenagers, guidance and resources for parents, meaningful involvement for senior citizens. Each age group is actually a life style with unique interests and needs.

Faith Based
The Evangelical Methodist Churches share the good news of God’s Son, Jesus Christ from a rich Wesleyan perspective.

Simply stated, we believe that God in His love has a wonderful plan for every person’s life and that real living begins when we commit ourselves by faith as true disciples of Christ. Jesus declared that he came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)

Outreach Minded
We are serious about the task of bringing men and women to Jesus Christ and then discipling them to enable them to bring others. The local church is the cutting edge for Gospel outreach. This is the front-line where lives are influenced for God and growth in His Kingdom takes place. While we are involved in many challenging activities, we still assert that the local congregation eclipses radio, television, conferences, retreats and seminars in its lasting effect upon the lives of people in a community. Be prepared to find the Evangelical Methodist Church in your area to be enthusiastically outreach minded.

A Church For The Future
The Evangelical Methodist Church is gearing its ministries to meet the needs of people in the 21st Century. Listen to what some of our members have said . . .

  • “It’s hard raising children today – but our local Evangelical Methodist Church makes it easier. They care about today’s families enough to offer help that really works.”

  • “Our church is convinced that each generation to be reached is unique, We make every effort to adapt our programs and activities to meet the felt needs of different age groups with the Gospel message.”

  • “I am pleased that my church puts a top priority upon worship and praise. We serve a great God who is worthy of our adoration.”

  • “As a lifelong member of the Evangelical Methodist Church, I have only good things to say about it. My wife and I are raising our children in the same church where my parents raised me. Lasting Christian friendships are a gift from the Lord.”