Men’s Ministry (EMMFM)

Evangelical Methodist Men For Missions

Evangelical Methodist Men For Missions (EMMFM) is a dynamic movement of God’s Spirit in the hearts of laymen in our local churches. Through EMMFM, men and their families from all walks of life, find a channel for harnessing and releasing personal skills and abilities in practical, direct missionary involvement. By participating in overseas witness and work teams, they catch new zeal for soul winning at home, as well as abroad. This produces men mobilized for ministry in their local churches.

EMMFM has a partnership agreement with Men for Missions, a ministry of One Mission Society (OMS). OMS and the Evangelical Methodist Church have been in an affiliation relationship since 1952.

Without dues or organizational trappings EMMFM asks men to respond or contribute only as directed by the Holy Spirit. As a result, as exemplified in Men for Missions, scores of missionary homes, schools, churches, clinics, etc., stand as monuments to the obedience of individual laymen. Millions of dollars are given to support missionaries, national workers, and evangelistic outreach.

Participation in EMMFM is open to any man wiling to affirm:

  • I will do whatever God asks me to do

  • I will go wherever God asks me to go

  • I will give whatever God asks me to give

EMMFM members help missionaries by realizing their personal skills and abilities in a variety of practical, direct ways, including work teams, medical and disaster relief teams, evangelism teams, intercessory prayer teams and teams of professionals who are prepared to teach. Often, teams are involved in a combination of these ministries.

Our mandate is compassion, our priority is establishing the Lordship of Jesus Christ in each man’s life, and our goal is to provide opportunities for personal obedience to the Great Commission.

For more information, contact the International Headquarters at 317-780-8017