Women's Ministries (EMW)

Purpose: To unite the women of the Evangelical Methodist Church by promoting The Four-Fold Plan.

The Four-Fold Plan:
1. Continuing organized efforts to develop Christian living and service.
2. Promoting a wider knowledge and interest in both home and foreign missions.
3. Assisting and encouraging the Christian education of our youth.
4. Participating in Christian activities that will strengthen the local church and community.

Scripture: “For we are laborers together with God.” 1 Corinthians 3:9a (KJV)

Operational Strategy: The holding of annual Women’s Conferences/Retreats in the East and the West. The regions and local church groups will create their own focus of ministry for their churches and communities. The North American Conference Officers will assist and counsel the leadership of each region in women’s ministry through their ministry committees.

Membership: The EMW of the USA Conference shall consist of all women who regularly attend an Evangelical Methodist Church.

Kenda Calkins is the National President of the Evangelical Methodist Women (EMW). Please contact her for information at: [email protected]

The EMC and the EMW cooperate with Hope61, a ministry of OMS, to fulfill our calling to fight human trafficking. For information and resources about human trafficking, go to Hope61.

Follow us on Facebook. EMW Facebook Page

USA Conference EMW Officers
Kenda Calkins - 
Sonya Penny - 
VP of Local and Community
Lisa Walker - 
VP of Missions
Debbie Miller - VP of Christian Education
Tammy Hammond - VP of Spiritual Life
Kelly Davis - 
VP of Finance and Secretary